ANZSCO to be replaced

Statistics New Zealand will be introducing a new New Zealand classification system called the National Occupation List (NOL). The first version of the NOL will be released on 20 November 2024.

The announcement was made today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand. It follows a consultation period which found strong support for separate systems because the labour market in both countries has changed so much.

Comparable but tailored occupational classifications for Australia and New Zealand — Stats NZ

It will take some time for Immigration New Zealand to transition to the new classification system. We will continue to use the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) until then and will provide a further update in 2025 when we have a confirmed switch over date.

ANZSCO grades occupations according to skill level. ANZSCO skill levels range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most skilled and 5 being less skilled.

What is ANZSCO and how to find your skill level

For more information on how the new system will work visit the Stats NZ website.

About the National Occupation List — Stats NZ